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Shooting with Mirrors | Doubling

During the past couple of weeks I have logged about 25 hours of shooting time, experimenting with various types of film and pushing my conceptual work further. I normally shoot Fuji Acros 120mm or 35 mm but found an old Kodak 400 ISO color roll lying around in my room and decided it was well worth my time to have some fun with it. During all these shoots I also worked with medium format but I much prefer what I got on my 35 mm Canon AE-1, perhaps because of my familarity with the system and lenses.

Mirror Study with Hands, Silver Gelatin Print, 2015

(shot with Canon AE-1 and Ilford Delta 400, developed in caffenol)

The color shots came out surprisely well (albeit needing some white balance correction) but as I only develop and print black and white film using the caffenol process I can't do much with them in the darkroom, at least at this point. I did some research however, and delightfully discovered that it is possible to develop color film onto a panchromatic b&w paper and get decent results. Multigrade paper works too apparently but one must use a high contrast filter and/or longer developing time in order to get anything halfway decent due to the orange tone of the color negatives. Time allowing this might make for a good weekend project.

Linear Reflection Study, Color Print, 2015

(shot with Canon AE-1 and Kodak 400)

Reflection Study with Feet, Color Print,


(also shot with Canon AE-1 and Kodak 400)

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